Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for Jake, Jesse and Mom. Sam will wait until the day after Labor Day. The boys got in their uniforms and packed their lunches and Sam finally realized they were going and he wasn't. He was heart broken. He cried all the way to Grandma Joy's until I told him he could help take care of Grandpa (he broke a bone under his eye and in his nose). Jesse had the same teacher but Jake had a new teacher. We met her for dinner the other night at Chik FilA. But for some reason Jake gets really worked up and nervous with change. You can tell by the pictures Jesse has no fear. He's ready for anything anytime. They both did great at school today. My class went great too. I think I have a really good group this year.
Jesse has told everyone he is famous. He colored a weather picture and turned it into the newpaper. They put his picture on the front page on Saturday.


Juliann said...

Oh, man. Too much emotion and drama for one day! Cute kids. . . and, um, I have a few questions: 1)they pack their own lunches? Way to whip those kids into shape! 2) How in the world did David break that bone? Random! and 3)Is that true about Jesse's picture being in the paper? How cool! Tell him I'm very proud of my famous artist nephew!

missy said...

Fun post! I love those first day of school pics... they're the best! Ohhhhh I feel for Jake. I would get so nervous when school would start each year. I would get so sick to my stomach, I HATED the first day of school. It was the WORST! Go easy on the little guy. Okay, I have the same 3 questions as Jul. We need answers and a close-up pic of Jesse's famous picture in the paper! Any more thought on a blog for your class? love ya

Miriam Oh Painter said...

you have cute kids! Thanks for writing! it's so great to hear from you!